February 05, 2006

Back in Christchurch

Well here I am, I was here just over a week ago flying to Auckland, and here I am doing it again.

I am really looking forward to Australia as I said the last time. In the last week, i'd already seen a lot of the places before. It was nice to visit them with my girlfriend but it's not the same as when you see it the first time.

We're having a great time though and it's been a blast.. But now it's on to the next adventure: AUSTRALIA

I'm not sure what to expect, the big difference is that we'll be in big cities rather than in smaller places.. Except when I go to Alice springs once my girlfriend leaves...



Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,

We just got your postcard today - faster than I had expected. It was great to hear from you - thanks! Enjoy the rest of your time with Jen!

Anonymous said...

Justin, I don't buy that steepest street in the world thing. The street I walk up to work everyday is at least as steep as that. So there.


Justin said...

Well I walked up it, was damn steep. And if Guiness records says its the steepest I beleive it.

It goes at a 38 degree angle..

Oh well.. I like my streets flat anyways