April 01, 2006

Land of the sane

For anyone who knows me and has heard this rant, I DO NOT apologize.

I hate daylight savings time. I think it is stupid. It gives no one anymore time to do anything. It moves around the times when people have sunshine. It doesn't add time to anyone's day. ANybody who beleives this obviously believes in 25 hour days. We all know that the length of a day is 24 hours (and some number of minutes i can't remember)

I am from a province that does not succumb to this stupidity and I am proud of it.

I think daylight savings time makes no sense. The arguments about how it will save the U.S energy are bogus, this has been proven in study after study. It makes no sense that the US chose to extend daylight savings. Oh well, i live in a province whihc has to follow the U.S on this one. Ontario has no choice if it wants its just on time delivery systems to be compatible with the U.S states...

Oh and I bought Great Big Sea's new album. I like it so far. Pretty interesting stuff, and the cover is funny. The cool thing is it comes with a DVD that explains some of the stories behind the songs they picked.


~ said...

I'm totally with you. I loathe Daylight savings time. It makes no sense what-so-ever now that 70% of our work force does NOT toil endlessly in the fields.

What's dumber than the stupidest thing ever, is the new law passed by congress extending daylight savings time to save on energy ... how does this save on energy?! if it is dark, people will still turn on lights at home and at work regardless of the time!

Blarg! Blargh! Flargh! I'm choking on the stupidity of it all!

Anonymous said...

i only like it in the fall when you get an extra hour of sleep....in the spring time your weekend is one hour shorter...and Monday morning comes just that much quicker....

ygkpd said...

Blame Benjamin Franklin.

The energy saving thing is bogus too, as if it will make the necessary impact to "save the environment", as if the energy industry wants that anyway (screw Greenpeace, I'm putting my hopes in Shell!).

Although it made sense when it was put in when there were still many people on farms, now its just for abusing Mexican immigrant labour.