July 31, 2006

First day in a new job

Well lay on the reading!!! That pretty much sums up my first day of work today.

Nothing much else to report really, didn't do a whole lot while I was off between jobs.

Got a few things done around the house yesterday.

The one bad thing is i've had trouble sleeping the last two nights. Not sure why. I usually have had no trouble sleeping, but I really hope I can get into some sort of routine soon.

I'm thinking of maybe trying to get my cycling done in the morning before I start work. It would be awsome,but I have to motivate myself to do it first. I actually haven't been on my bike in like 10 days or so. I feel like I didn't get any riding done in July at all. I hope to rectify that in August and also start planning the fall out.

Apparently there is a assesment for french language placements at the end of August at the college here and i'm leaning towards taking a course. I need to work on my writing skills. Actually the University close to me probably has something I could look at too..

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