November 29, 2008

Interesting times..

It has been a surreal two days in Ottawa and it looks like another week of this, before it's resolved.

It appear Stephen Harper in a fit of arrogance, is trying to screw the other political parties by eliminating the subsidy parties get of 1.95$ per vote.

I'm not sure why that should be a matter of confidence regardless of one's position on it.

I think in a fit of stupidity, they also provided cover for the other opposition parties by refusing to do anything on the economic front.

So it looks like we may have Stéphane Dion as Prime Minister after all.

If there's anyone the tories have to blame it's Stephen Harper.

November 16, 2008

The new "Bond"

So i just saw the latest Bond movei and I thought it was pretty good, it's much darker.

I seem to agree with most critics that the plot was pretty thing, but I think it's normal for that to be the case in bond movies.

I think there was a lot of stuff to get rid of from the last movie so that they can move on to a new one. It'll be interesting to see the next one, as it'll be one of the first stand alone bond film that isn't based on the novels.

I'm looking forward to it.

For those who have seen the movie:

I thought the Canadian spy agent thing was hilarious and a bit over the top, especially as Canada doesn't have a foreign spy network.. so what the hell was one doing is Russia?