January 03, 2008

Simcity fun

So I've been playing Simicity 4 a bit more recently. I connected one of my cities to a bigger city through a subway line. I returned to my bigger city to play around and start building it up. Then all of a sudden I noticed this:

I was suddenly making 10,000$ a month! and my transit revenue was 10,000$ a month. I have never hit this high before. So I decided to look around and see what was happening. Lo an behold I ran into this!

That's all for today folks.

Oh and I expect to have more time (hopefully/maybe) to start updating more regularly. I'm taking one less course this semester, and have 2 days off a week. The other thing I am hoping to do is some serious reading. I have 2 main classic sort of books to hit this semester. Adam Smith's Wealth on nations, and On the road to serfdom by Hayek. We'll see how that goes. I'm thinking I should maybe read Smith's Theory of Moral sentiments first, but I'm not sure. The next big classic book will be by Keynes.