January 03, 2008

Simcity fun

So I've been playing Simicity 4 a bit more recently. I connected one of my cities to a bigger city through a subway line. I returned to my bigger city to play around and start building it up. Then all of a sudden I noticed this:

I was suddenly making 10,000$ a month! and my transit revenue was 10,000$ a month. I have never hit this high before. So I decided to look around and see what was happening. Lo an behold I ran into this!

That's all for today folks.

Oh and I expect to have more time (hopefully/maybe) to start updating more regularly. I'm taking one less course this semester, and have 2 days off a week. The other thing I am hoping to do is some serious reading. I have 2 main classic sort of books to hit this semester. Adam Smith's Wealth on nations, and On the road to serfdom by Hayek. We'll see how that goes. I'm thinking I should maybe read Smith's Theory of Moral sentiments first, but I'm not sure. The next big classic book will be by Keynes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's incredible!

What's your subway users vs. car users like?

I've been able to build up systems connecting subway/elevatedrail, buses and trains to get roughly 40 percent of my population using these three transportation systems.

Basically, the number of pedestrians is how many mass transit users you have.

Have you had a chance to download the ground-level-rail from simtropolis yet? It makes the game pretty interesting.