December 03, 2008

Harper: Not a leader

Constitutional crisis

Canada is in serious danger of becoming a banana republic.

I am fearful for my country. Stephen Harper may stay in power, but it will be a Pyrrhic victory.

The negative forces he has unleashed will reverberate for year. I'm disgusted with his behaviour.

His use of the word 'separatist' every second word, his ABSOLUTELY FALSE claim that the three leaders refused to have the Canadian flag behind them at their press

His constant Quebec bashing is not only going to cost him and the conservatives in Quebec, it may well empower the separatists he despises so much.

He should know better than to claim that the opposition parties do not have the 'democratic right' to form a coalition government. What a load of crap, it doesn't even withstand even the slightest bit of scrutiny. It's as if he made it up on the back of a napkin and now is trying to use that as an argument.

We for better or for worse, live in a parliamentary system. We elect MPs, not governments.

I have to admit I feel a bit like I'm in the twilight zone, I can't believe it's come to this.

I am truly truly disgusted with the actions of Stephen Harper.