January 23, 2010

Video game nostalgia

Thanks to an Xmas present from my brother I was able to have some good nostalgic memories about playing SNES games.

It came out between 1990 and 1993 (....ok I checked wikipedia..) I would've been about 10 years old or so when we got one. It was great, and it was the only system for a period of about 5 years, so they made tons of games for it.

Our ended up being stolen in the end, but I always remember SuperMario World. It's amusing to think how much time I must've spend playing that game, as I swear I know all the ins and out and secrets of the entire game.

I don't watch a ton of TV now, but I think back, I must've spent hours and hours watching TV as a kid, and also played a lot of video games. I remember how angry i got at my parents because my mom decided that she was going to use the TV as a babybsitter for my youngest brother, I was appalled that he was just sat in front of the TV so often. Although the rest of us have glasses, I'm pretty sure the fact that he sat 1 foot in front of the TV contributed to him needing glasses as well.

I wonder what it will be like for any children we may have, heck I still remember life before the internet. Any kids I have will be post-google kids, and will never have known a time before wireless internet everywhere and cell phones for everyone! Crazy to think of how much things have changed...

However despite my opposition, I guess we're all influenced by TV and video games to a certain extent regardless of how much we watched or how often we played.

SuperMario certainly brings back good memories for me

January 16, 2010


Man is it expensive, my wife and I were out shopping for a bedroom set. We paid a ridiculous amount, and then had to pay again a huge was of cash for the mattress!

I just hope they last as long and are as comfy as advertised.

We also finally managed to put a desk together today. Easy to assemble it said... well unlike IKEA stuff which is easy to assemble (and just as easy to fall apart,)this one was in 27 steps! It took quite a while, but I just thought it was a bit suspicious at 27 steps to completed. A lot of the pictures weren't all that clear either.

However it does look quite good, and will serve it's purpose well.

Ah the joys of moving into a new house,I suppose at some point in the near future I'll feel settled in. I'll then be able to talk about something else.

January 10, 2010

Back from the holidays

What a crazy December! We bought a house in November, and made the slightly crazy decision for a closing date only a month later. It worked out very well, but it meant a very busy time.

Adjusting to a new house is always interesting, dealing with "new house noises ", and for us it's our first house, meaning we are also adjusting to new home ownership.

Some things are great, like not having to walk a kilometere (ok a bit less) from the car to the apartment door, having a dishwasher, being able to have a BBQ ( a big plus for me!!!). This is also in addition to benefit of having extra space.

The downsides at least so far are shoveling snow and the additional maintenance (though we haven't had to really do anything yet).

So far things are going well, adn we're settling in. It's fun now because we're buying a lot of furniture and getting everything sorted out. Imm looking forward to having nice solid book shelves.

I need some place to put all the boxes of booksI have lying around the house after all...