October 31, 2005

I'm in the nations capital once again

I am back! It feels good but also kind of strange. It turns out that there are going to be some major changes in this house, my leaving being one of them.

I am moving out of this house over the next 6 weeks.

6 weeks

That is nuts. I will be moving out the place that i have called home for over 2 years. Since I left home, this has been the place I have stayed the longest. This is where i met my girlfriend, and this is where i finished university.

It's going to be strange adjusting to that, especially leaving my roomates and friends who I have lived with over the past few years.

I am looking forward to moving on with my life though, and my trip to New Zealand (and australia) is really a big part of that I think. It will be my post-university experience, 3 months in another part of the world. It isn't the 1 year trip I had planned, but i think it will be long enough.

I learned a lot baout myself in just the 2 weeks i spent travelling alone in Europe, this will be a bit different, but i hope to really make the most of my time there.

Hopefully i'll have a bit better idea of where i am heading and what my plans are, but if not it will still be worth it. This relates a little bit to the site of this blog, "half-kiwi" I am indeed half-kiwi, my mom is from New Zealand. This is nice for this trip because I have citizenship which makes it a bit easier to travel, but it also means I will be discovering a part of my heritage.

October 24, 2005

Last week at home

Well I am still at home, reporting from Regina, Saskatchewan..

Just went bowling with a friend from high school, it was fun, but I can feel the distance growing between us.

Oh well, it's interesting anyways to see what he is up to and who he's heard from among our mutual friends.

It has become a bit strained but it's pretty interesting anyways to see how he is doing and to catch up a bit. The problem is now that it's moved into the stage`where it's mostly about the past and no longer looking towards the future.

It's kind of strange how that happens, how one day you start talking only about the past and who you used to know and what they're doing now. It happened quickly with some high school friends, but now it's move to the point where it really has become the majority of the people i knew before high school.

October 19, 2005

Still home

I am still home.. My dad is doing better, in fact he came home tonight for the first time since being in the hospital..

I am doing ok, but it is pretty boring here...

Not much to report

October 14, 2005

Off again

Wow I leave tomorrow morning. I will have been home for just over 24 hours.

It's been a bit of a whirlwind tour here. It seems so stranger to be leaving so quickly after getting back.

I enjoyed my trip but i enjoyed getting home even more. My girlfriend was there to meet me which was fantastic. The guy at gave me a bit of quizzical look as i told him I took no checked luggage. It's definately the way to travel. I hope to travel like that more often.

I just realized how badly i need pants, and to make some money. I hope I can work in New Zealand/Australia because seeing as i'll be back and forth so much over the next little while i doubt i can find a job.

I'm thinking more and more i might try and spend a month in Sydney, Australia and get an apartment and find a job for a month. It could be fun..

Plus after my Europe experience I think it'd be good to really get rooted in a place and just relax. Travelling every other day doesn't really let you see much.

October 13, 2005

Coming home

Yeah i am leaving Europe today, but i am also going home back to the prairies soon, in fact I have one day between my arrival home and my trip back to my parent's home.

My dad is sick, and is in hospital, he's been sick for a while, he has some kind of inoperable cancer, and hasn't been doing too well. So of course I am heading home.

I just got news today that my dad is doing better so thats a positive sign. I'm looking forward to spending some time at home, helping out where I can and we'll see what happens...

October 05, 2005


Hey, i am in barcelona and enjoying myself. The hostel i am in is pretty fun, and i´ve met a few people already which is nice. Getting out of paris wasn´t hard it jsut involved me sitting in a train station for 4 hours because everything i wanted to see was closed due to a general strike. I was glad my uncle got out the day before because the airport was just chaos. Oh well my first general strike i guess.

Other than things are good, though it´s proving a bit difficult to wait until dinner time here, which is very late. I am very hungry, not having easten much all day...

Until next time..