October 14, 2005

Off again

Wow I leave tomorrow morning. I will have been home for just over 24 hours.

It's been a bit of a whirlwind tour here. It seems so stranger to be leaving so quickly after getting back.

I enjoyed my trip but i enjoyed getting home even more. My girlfriend was there to meet me which was fantastic. The guy at gave me a bit of quizzical look as i told him I took no checked luggage. It's definately the way to travel. I hope to travel like that more often.

I just realized how badly i need pants, and to make some money. I hope I can work in New Zealand/Australia because seeing as i'll be back and forth so much over the next little while i doubt i can find a job.

I'm thinking more and more i might try and spend a month in Sydney, Australia and get an apartment and find a job for a month. It could be fun..

Plus after my Europe experience I think it'd be good to really get rooted in a place and just relax. Travelling every other day doesn't really let you see much.

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