October 24, 2005

Last week at home

Well I am still at home, reporting from Regina, Saskatchewan..

Just went bowling with a friend from high school, it was fun, but I can feel the distance growing between us.

Oh well, it's interesting anyways to see what he is up to and who he's heard from among our mutual friends.

It has become a bit strained but it's pretty interesting anyways to see how he is doing and to catch up a bit. The problem is now that it's moved into the stage`where it's mostly about the past and no longer looking towards the future.

It's kind of strange how that happens, how one day you start talking only about the past and who you used to know and what they're doing now. It happened quickly with some high school friends, but now it's move to the point where it really has become the majority of the people i knew before high school.

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