December 03, 2007

Stressed out grad students... they're everywhere

So it's been quite some time since my last post, maybe I'll add "attempt to blog more frequently" to my forthcoming (at some point in the future) new year's resolutions.

Anyways I am currently struggling to finish a 20 page paper due tomorrow, and figured it would be a perfect time to blog. Anything to pass the time, and procrastinate a little longer...

I've noticed that a lot of my fellow grad students are quite stressed out, and to be honest I am too, but I don't think i could live like they do. Maybe it's a woman thing (I don't have to be politically correct on here, and all the anecdotal evidence I have collect comes from women, and besides they make up a large substantial majority of the students in my program...)

Maybe these students are taking things more seriously than I am, maybe they cope in different ways. I just find that a lot of my fellow students are busy "freaking out" and I just don't get it. I'm enjoying the ride, and trying hard, and keeping my cool as much as I can.

I can't be bothered to get all worked up, I did that in my undergrad and it didn't end well. Perhaps, It's that sense of perspective I gained through those trying times..

Anyways I'm off now to get that paper done, wish me luck

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