November 14, 2009

Remembrance Day

One of the things I continually find a bit stranger here in Ottawa is how little people seem to pay attention to Remembrance day. The kids don't get off school, almost all stores are open (though apparently they have to open at 12:30, as this store found out)

People seem to go to the ceremonies on Parliament Hill, then proceed to go shopping at the Rideau centre.

In Saskatchewan we always had the day off in elementary and high school(though it appears not at university).

I'm quite surprised that it's not a holiday here, that the kids go to school on the day. It's one of those things that still surprises me here, and reminds me of those small differences between Saskatchewan and here. The other big one is dalight savings time, but that's a whole other story.

Some of the other things include:
The use of salt in the winter (They use sand back home.. much less pant damage!)
All the snow in the winter (I love how people complain about it here, it's so much colder at home!)
I'm sure there are other things, but I can't seem to think of them this morning.

I also don't understand why the western Canadian windchill factor was replace with the crappy one used here. I.e How cold it "feels" . 1800 windchiil factor anyone?

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