December 20, 2006

What the hell are the conservatives thinking?

Why should they abolish the Wheat board?

Now this isn't a subject that a whole lot of people outside of western Canada are interested in. Heck probably nowhere near a majority of western Canadians even know what the wheat board does or how it works.

My problem is not substance but the way it is being done. By threatening people, and firing them because they don't toe the line. Because they have a process to essentially undermine the organization without due process. Even if it is stated in your electoral platform there is a process. We do after all live in under a system of laws. Even the government is bound by the law.

However the government of Canada is in the process of undermining and destroying the Wheat board. Having worked with other supply managed systems, I hope they don't undergo the same process. Of betrayal of systems which have worked well for farmers (not necessarily as well for consumer let it be noted, I DID MENTION THAT) that are particularly Canadian, that are part of a regulatory culture and regime, and that at the end of the day have been effective at achieving their stated objectives.

Why destroy that for some abstract ideology? Why crucify and destroy already struggling farmers and farm communities? (This is where the term crucifixion economics comes from, it's awful stuff)

I think the wheat board is a valuable tool in protecting the interests of Canadian farmers. The reality is that small farmers are not going to have the clout of the wheat board to negotiate prices. Anybody who imagines the opposite is doing exactly that, imagining.

1 comment:

ygkpd said...

I was wondering what you thought of that. I think it's nuts.