April 10, 2006

I'm Heading back

I will be back in Ottawa on wednesday! Everything got moved up and i booked my ticket on sunday night.

I haven't been in Ottawa for some time now, I hope it is still the wonderful place I remember it being. A lot of thing are starting to fall into place, I'll be moving into an apartment with my girlfriend. I'll be starting to look for a new job.

I'm moving into an era of increased stability..The last few months of living out of a suitcase have taken a toll. It's been tough at times, to have to wear the same clothes week after week, and not really having a sense of stability. That's something i'm looking forward to for sure.

I can't wait to get into a routine..

Ottawa awaits!

1 comment:

ygkpd said...

Daaah! Worst timing ever! I'm going to London Thursday and I'll be back Tuesday. Bummer