April 27, 2006

Wedding Bells

We are off tonight to a friend's wedding. i am quite excited, it'll be the first one I have been to in a long time. It's also the first time i'll be part of the wedding party. I am excited about that too.

The wedding present has been arranged, the tux i go pick up tomorrow. It seems as if everything is arranged. It's probably been about a decade since I have been to a wedding. I guess it's getting to that point in life that I should be attending several over the next few years.

I hope that no one I know ever gets divorced, it seems like such an expensive proposition, not only in money, but in terms of the difficulties this puts on both parties, especially if children are involved. I think that our generation will hopefully be able to reduce the level of divorce. One of the reasons is that a lot of kids are from divorced families and won't want to put their own children through that. The other thing is that people are waiting longer to get married, which I would guess means they are putting more thought into the whole thing.

I hold the view that marriage really is about partnership, and my dad always said he didn't think he could raise a family or live his life fully without a partner. Here's hoping that we can all see the wisdom in that statement

1 comment:

Sara and Scott said...

Not trying to burst your bubble, and I'm similarly optimistic, but the stats are kind of scary, in that apparently 68% of marriages that involve one person with one divorced parents get divorced, and 7/8 marriages where both people have divorced parents end in divorce... so here's hoping, but I'm not sure about it.