September 07, 2006

Not too much to say

Well I am almost finished a book on John Kenneth Galbraith.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I hate economists. I distrust almost all economists and I have major problems with how they approach the world.

Anyways it appears to me that John kenneth Galbraith might be the one economist that I know of that I could support. It's funny because it appears that for most economists what he said was anathema. He actually thought that power mattered in economics and I find ti fascinating the degree to which this idea is still treated with hostility among economists.

I am fascinated by the biography and I really think I really want to read his own words to see what he says in his own words.

1 comment:

ygkpd said...

I'd also like to give Galbraith a read. Even from the left, Galbraith is well respected since he is supposed to actually offer real insights into how the economy functions, instead of abstract mathematical theories founded on faulty assumptions.