March 14, 2006

So I decided to go into Chapters one day....

And out I came with several books. Luckliy I had my giftcards and so i didn't have to spend my own money, except for the 25$ (i swear it only cost 15$ once upon a time...) for the chapters irewards card.

I ended up buying three new books:

A short history of nearly everything by Bill Bryson
The end of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs

and Finally...

Guns germs and Steel by Jared Diamond.

Not sure what to make of Jared Diamond, but a lot of people seem to like this particular book so i figured i'd give it a shot. I also wanted to buy a book on the history of cod, recommended by one of my relatives in New Zealand, but it was out of stock.. I guess they don't sell too many books about fish in this province :) Maybe next time I go, I still have some credit left.

I also forgot that I had another interesting book about Medak's pocket, which is an event that happened while Canadian soldier's were in the Balkans. It sounds like it's a good story, apparently the Canadians fared quite well there, but the story isn't told often, and wasn't reported much. I am looking forward to reading that as well.

I also took the plunge and bought a new badminton racket. I've been signed up for a second round of badminton, and the raquet I had before was about 5$. The one I got today is pretty nice, and was on sale, 20$ off. Not that I can really afford it, but I plan to play with my brother while he's here. So i should get some good use out of it for the next little while at least.

I guess that's all for now.. my bro has been talking about designing a website, and this made me think about mine here. I might try and redevelop it a bit. I learned html for an old site i had but it's been a long time.. If this site changes.. then you'll know that i attempted a redesign..


Anonymous said...


Glad to see that you are keeping the blog up - I thought you might only update it while away, so its great to still be able to hear what you're up to.

Guns, Germs and Steel is a really great read. Hope you enjoy it and the others :)

Anonymous said...


I got the end of poverty for christmas but have a few more books to read before I get to it. You'll have to tell me how it is :)

ygkpd said...

Jared Diamond has a new book called Collapse. Have you checked that one out? He also had a book before GGS called the "Third Chimpanzee".

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,

If you get the globe and mail at your place, check out the business section - there's an article on St. John's and my dad is in it.

Just thought I would pass it on - whenever i think of the g and m i think of you