March 09, 2006

Still in Auckland

Well i'm still here... Nothing much to report.

My brother got home today so that's good, and he brought my book back. I am quite looking forward to reading it.

Even before I grumbled and paid the membership fee for nytimes Select, I have been an avid reader of Paul Krugman's columns. He's one of the best known and respected (by those who don't disparage his politics too much) economists around. The book is Pop Internationalism, and it is a beginners look at the way that economic jargon gets thrown around irresponsibly.

It should be good reading. I also have some money on my chapters giftcards from christmas to go around and buy some books when I get back.. Any suggestions are welcome...

thats all for now

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did you ask for book recommendations?
well, I always have lots! :)
let me know if you feel like some fiction, I've probably read a dozen since you left! (and this time I should really make more of an effort to read what you recommend to me...)
Have a nice trip home, talk to you soon.