June 13, 2006

I have finally succumbed...

I have succumbed to the idea of going to a temp agency. I went and filled out the form and gave them my resume today. I'm not sure exactly why I have been so against going to a temp agency, but I don't really like the whole idea.

I think it's a bit silly how much the government relies on these agencies, ostensibly to save on their wage bill, but really I think it is to become more 'flexible'. I find this idea of wage flexibility so ridiculously anti-labour and anti-people for a number of reasons. I realize that to an extent the pressures of flexibility are due to technological change, and also to the increasing individualism of our age, but I still don't like it.

I'm somewhat of a luddite I suppose, in the common usage of the term. I think however that I am more someone who questions the value of technology, and the values associated with it. I think in so many ways we fail to realize the impacts of technology. Now some of these can be predicted others not, but it is important to understand the process of technology's social impacts.

I also noticed how little control workers have these days. I was in the bank today, and it seemed that every second transaction needed the approval of a manager. There seems to be so little discretion given to the individual tellers anymore. I worked in a bank and you can see how much of an impact the computerization has had, it forces you to deal in a very limited and specific mannger with each transaction. Anything different from the prescribed method 'fails to compute'. The funny thing though, is that any hope of increased accountability due to these change,collapses when faced with reality. Each time the manager or supervisor had to authorize anything, they gave it a cursory glance, barely enough time to even understand the transaction let alone review it, and then gave authorization.

Well sorry i got off track just there, anyways back to the job hunt. I just hope I fidn something soon. I'm at the point where I may just have to take anything that comes my way, not something i'm really looking forward to. I've sent in several applications over the last week or so, so hopefully I can get to the interview stage and move on from there.

I hope the temp agency will pull through and find me something

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