May 07, 2006

Nice and Quiet weekend, job Interview tomorrow

Not a whole lot going on around here this weekend. Had a few people over tonight and it was nice. We tried something new in the kitchen and it worked out well.

I have a job interview tomorrow, i hope it goes well. I am in need of a job. This particular job that I have applied for looks like it could be a good fit, but i'm still a bit nervous. Even more so because it's a bilingual interview and I haven't been speaking much French lately. I just hope it goes well even if I don't get the job.

I've only really had one bad interview and it was a while ago and not for a position I really wanted. So hopefully that can continue.

Actually for some odd reason the person who phoned me, gave me the names of the three people who will be interviewing me. I did what most people my age probably would think to do with that info, I googled them. I could only find two out of three but it was pretty interesting. I got a photo of one of them to turn up.

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