September 04, 2005

I miss the CBC especially on Sunday mornings

This is not to be a political blog, but I just have to say how much I wish the CBC strick was over and I could listen to intelligent radio again. Especially on sunday mornings when I am awake usually have no responsibilities and could just lie in bed and listen.

This is my second last day at work, and I am a little sad to be leaving. I am ready to move though, and I think it'll be great to spend a few weeks lounging around before I leave for Europe.

I just hope finding a job isn't a hassle, though in the end I won't be a popular guy with management because I have to quit right before the busy christmas season. It's mostly a money reason, I need to make enough money to support myself over the October, November, December period. It shouldn't be too bad, and even if I don't get a job I won't starve.

I am really looking forward to living with my new/old roomate. He is moving back after taking last year off before starting grad school. I really think it'll be good to have him back around. He's a great guy, and everyone in the house is really glad to have him around. He's also starting a project to do more with our basement, and set it up really nice.

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