September 06, 2005

My last day of work

Last night when I finished my shift, it was a bit sad. I have worked at the same place for 16 months. It's passed by so fast! Especially the last month. It really flew by.

I've enjoyed it very much, it was a great job, and i had really great people to work with. It was one of the first jobs I had worked regularly with people of my own age and that was one of the best parts.

It's time though to look towards the future, and it's going to be an interesting time in my life, with all the travelling and the chaos that that will bring. I am spending the next 3 weeks just taking a break. I plan to do some reading, some bike riding, some writing and I also plan to do some planning for my two trips.

I am heading to Europe in about 3 weeks and i'm super excited. I have a general agenda planned out, first to Amsterdam, then to Paris via Brussels to meet my uncle, then off to Barcelona for 5 days then back to Amsterdam.

I've got 2 weeks !

I leave on September 28th!

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