January 26, 2006

Back in Christchurch

Well I will try and post some more pics in a bit.

I am now in Christchurch and safe and sound. Not much going on here really? Can't wait to be in Auckland and sit around for a day or two and do nothing. You get to the point here, where it's "oh gee.. another mountain", and the scenery is amazing but a lot of it gets similar after a while

Here are more pics

Ok so here we have 3. One is of me standing at the top of the steepest street in the world. The last 2 are inside jokes. The first is of a International Socialists poster I found near the Uni in Dunedin. Wanted to let somebody know they were still around here. The other is funny because it is about a bylaw which states that you msut park in the direction of traffic. Hint Hint... However I also learned that apparently in England it is perfectly legal to park on either side, even facing traffic.

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide which is which. I'm sorry if any are sideways couldn't fix it

1 comment:

~ said...

God damn it ... I prefer the bonnet to bonnet method of parking. Crazy country.