January 20, 2006

A little piece on the election

I always thought the conservatives had a chance at the minority. Gary you didn't beleive me and neither did Derek and Dan.

Dan's question was what do the conservatives have to offer other than not being liberals. I think their campaign demonstrated they have some ideas. I don't agree with them all, the beer and popcorn comment was atually pretty accurate despite the flak it got.

Thank god Paul Martin is gone. I've been reading some websites talking about a campaign to get rid of him already!!! Thank god!!1

The only reason he gave for wanting to be PM was "We want to goverm..." I translate that as I want power!! He did nothing for the entire time he was PM. FOr somebody who planned his leadership campaign for like 10 years he sure had nothing to offer. This may be a warning to Gordon brown the chancellor of the exchequer in the UK.

Anyways thats enough for now.

Go Harper! (Even though I voted NDP I realized early on that the only person who could form government other than Paul Martin was Harper.)

Goodbye corrupt directionless liberals!! Good riddance


BFuniv said...

I agree.

The only person qualified for a government post is someone that doesn't want the job.

Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,
Yeah, I agree that Harper has a chance at a minority and I think it sucks that everyone just assumes that ndp has no chance and so lots of people don't vote for them based on that. I think if people would just vote for the party they agree with, things would be better, though we may still end up with harper minority, I would rather it be because of what the people wanted then just because people don't like martin, or don't believe ndp has a chance. Anyway, should be interesting to see what happens...
glad you're having a good time!

Anonymous said...

"I think it sucks that everyone just assumes that ndp has no chance"

Why? Its a pretty safe assumption.