January 02, 2006

In the Land of the long White Cloud

So a big welcome to the first people I actually know, who now have the address for this blog.

I am in New Zealand known in Maori as Aotearoa. It's very green and hilly; the roads are narrow and of course they drive on the opposite side of the road than in N.America. It's a bit peculiar, trying to figure out which way to look before you cross the road, but so far no accidents. My second cousin also keeps reminding me to get in the car on the opposite side. The driver in NZ is on the right hand side of the car not the left.

I went to an udnerwater aquarium yesterday and then bummed around the downtown. I got home here just in time to avoid the rain.

One thing I still haven't done is checked to see which way the water drains here.

For the moment i'll be in Auckland which means free internet (for me) and free food. So i'll probably be online a bit more frequently than later on in my journey. I'll try and post the best pics here, but it may be a bit difficult.

Bye for now

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