February 08, 2006


Well we're here in Sydney and it's quite a bit warmer here.

Note much to report really, got up too early but we were lucky and got a place really close to the airport shuttle.

We had an uneventuful flight and got to our hostel fine.

We've been to the Sydney tower already, and it's nice because our plans are already paid for and organized....

Really not much going on, as you can tell i'm tired and my thought are muddled...

I will post again soon and maybe with pictures. I saw the video in the Sydney Tower of Uluru(formerly known as Ayer's Rock) and I am getting very excited....

Oh and it looks like i'll be playing a part in my friend's wedding. I'm excited about that too, even though it feels like it'll be ages from now.

On another note I have been reading a lot about "Rogernomics" and the whole revolution down in New Zealand. They basically turned things upside down and really really drove the commercialization and privatization agenda hard. It's pretty interesitng because they mistook process for results. They had some pretty ridiculous ideas, mostly from Americans who had no idea about the local implications or issues facing New Zealand.

As most expected they failed, but i'm reading a fairly balanced (well seeing as he was completely opposed to most of the reforms) account of their 'revolution' .

It's pretty interesting stuff and i don't think enough people know about it. I want to include something on it in my M.A thesis, but I haven't figured out how yet..

More about this in the future

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