February 27, 2006

Well this sucks

Such is the line from the movie Madagascar when the penguins finally reach antarctica. Made me laugh then.

That's pretty how I feel about Canberra too. The city is not laid out in a friendly way at all, and the area with all the museums and stuff is ridiculous. It's like the NCC planned it or something (and i don't mean it as a compliment). They have huge roads lined with trees, which are supposed to provide nice views i guess...

They have museums surrounded by parks, it feels so empty and of course a million car parks and cars around...

It must look good from the air but it sucks actually being in it. That being said, the tour of parliament was nice, though it looks ugly on the outside the inside was pretty impressive. It's quite modern having been opened only in 1988. Apprently it cost a billion dollars to build. Thats a hell of a bill!!

So i'm off to Sydney tomorrow which should be great fun, before i take off for New Zealand again.

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